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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Georgia's Finest

Since I moved to Atlanta a little over a year ago, I have had countless encounters with “Georgia Boys.” With the exception of one, each encounter has been one disaster after another. It is with this is mind that I make my decision to limit my interactions with men from Georgia. Now I know that sounds harsh Blogworld, but my decision can be justified by the following:

Exhibit A:
One day Exhibit A decided to tag along with me while I went shopping for an event that night. We walk into the shoe store and a lady with an obvious “un-American” accent approached us to help. She was fair skinned and her accent to me seemed to be European. My friend said “Man, I like your accent, where you from?” The clerk responded with “Guess,” and I immediately knew this could only end in utter embarrassment. Sure enough, Einstein replied with “I ain’t never been out of Georgia I don’t know anywhere else.” Let me pause here to let you know that he is 28 years old, so regardless of the fact that he is not a world traveler, he at least went to school for sometime and unless he dropped out in 3rd grade, he knows some geography.
Apparently the clerk realized what she was in for so she decided to give him a hint-“Believe it or not, I’m from where you’re from.” Now I wanted to help him blogworld, but deep down inside, I also wanted to hear this out so I could see exactly what I was working with. This fool responded with “Atlanta?” At this point I had to step in because he was making ME look bad. I said “Wow, you’re African, I would have guessed you were European.”Before she could even get a response out, dummy said “You ain’t African, you white as hell.”
I know that should have embarrassed me, but at this point the only thing I could think was he doesn’t know any better. He couldn’t possibly know any better. I decided to blame it on the Atlanta school system and right then and there decided that my kids will be going to private school.

Exhibit B:
My girl and I stopped at a gas station on the way to a bbq and this guy approached my side of the car and asked could he ride with us. Seeing that I wasn’t really amused, he quickly said he didn’t want to waste my time, but he noticed me and would like to exchange numbers and get to know each other. He was cute and I was bored so I said ok and gave him my number. He asked when a good time to call me would be and I said later that day because we were on our way somewhere. With that he went about his business. 10 minutes later, my phone rang. Do you know this man called me and said he couldn’t wait until later to talk to me?! Instead of being flattered, I was immediately irritated. This was not a good sign. I told him he would have to wait because I was somewhere loud.
Two hours later blogworld, Exhibit B text me and said “R u still out?” I didn’t respond because I was in the middle of an intense spades game. 10 minutes later, lo and behold, my phone rang. Why oh why do men always insist on doing something to take themselves out of the game before they even get a chance to leave the bench? Later that night, I returned his call and explained to him that I am not looking for anything serious right now because I am focused on my career and yada, yada, yada. He said cool because he just got out of a long relationship. Perfect. We made plans to go to the movies in a few days. Over the next few days, I received several texts and phone calls just because I was on his mind. Then and there I knew this was not going to end well. I’m sure he meant well, but his actions were screaming ‘STALKER!”
Not wanting to cancel on him, and against my better judgment, I kept the movie plans and we met up. After all, how bad could watching a movie be? I spoke to soon. This FOOL talked during the whole movie! Asking me questions about myself, my dislikes, likes, clothing size, you name it, he asked it! Finally, I had to just say “Can we watch the movie please.” Boy were his feeling hurt but who cares! My feelings were hurt too1 I was wasting a good evening with Sir Stalk A lot. By the end of the movie I was ready to run to my car. Before I was even a block from the theater, I got a text, “I could really see myself with someone like you.” It took all my strength not to call Sprint and have his number blocked!

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