Welcome to my thoughts...don't try to figure me out; you might hurt yourself.

Hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave comments, and I'll return the favor!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Intro to my world

I have this whole hang up about letting people in my head...a mystery is always interesting but once its solved the excitement kind of dies down. So I tell people just enough to get them interested, then its up to them to dig deeper for the rest. My thoughts tend to be random so that's how my entries will be. I feel that there is always a song that describes exactly how I'm feeling so I'll probably refer to lyrics a lot.
My friend Aerial inspired me to start my own blog when she mentioned me in hers. She meant well but got me thinking. She casually mentioned the fact that I have my MBA, my own house, car, and no job. While I was in grad school, every time I would mention to someone that I was getting my MBA they would say "You're gonna be making money." I wish they would of told me when.
"what do I do, where do I go, who do I turn to...today....in the meantime"-Conya Ross

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