Welcome to my thoughts...don't try to figure me out; you might hurt yourself.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

My love/hate relationship with Sprint

Have you every loved someone so much but hated them at the same time? Well, that's how I feel about Sprint. In the beginning, everything was great. I paid my bills on time, if I had an issue they credited my account and I didn't get a bill for months. The good ol' days.
Then I bought a Palm Centro upgraded to Sprint's Simply Everything Plan(which is where the love part comes in) and everything went downhill. After 2 months, the phone started freezing up so I took it to a repair store and they ordered a new one. 1 month passed and the same thing happened. New phone number two. 3 more weeks passed and the same thing happens. This time I call Sprint and tell them I want a different phone because this is getting ridiculous. They have the audacity to tell me that I will have to pay $300 for a phone that's eqivilent to my phone. WHAT?!?!?! Why in my right mind would I pay for a new phone when this is no fault of mine. After speaking with two managers who tell me the same thing, I hang up on them. Now, I work in a call center so I understand how it feels to have to deal with rude customers, but Sprint treats their existing customers like shit(pardon my french). If I was a a new customer, I could have gotten the phone for $50 dollars. Its like they bend through hoops to get you to sign up, then throw you out with the trash after you do.

The next day, after I had calmed down, I called back and told them that I was leaving Sprint and moving on to a company that would appreciate me. The rep transferred me to someone that (SURPRISE, SURPRISE) offered me an upgraded phone for $30! Since that was all I wanted in the first place, I accepted and started my life with a Samsung Instinct. Fastforward to today. Its 2 months later and I get a text message saying that there is a update for my phone. Always one to want the latest and greatest, I click update. My phone turns off and then the reboot screen comes up. "That was fast," I think as I wait for the main screen to pop up. And wait. And wait. An hour passes and I jump on the internet to see if anyone else has had this issue and what they did. The only piece of advice I find: Go in to a repair store. Great.

So I drag myself out of bed, on my much needed day off by the way. Go into the store only for them to tell me there's nothing they can do but order me a new phone. So now I'm stuck with a crappy temporary phone, don't know anyone's number because they can't get into my old phone to transfer my contacts, AND once they activate my new phone, I have 5 messages from my boss asking me to come in today. Ain't that about a...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Aye Papi...

According to my roommate, I treat my blog like a red headed step child. Well roommate, when I stop working 60 hour work weeks, I will write my heart away. I will try to do better though.

Anyway, I heard something on the radio this morning that inspired me to dust my computer off and write about it. A lady called in asking for advice because she just moved in with her fiancee only to find out that he has a GORGEOUS Brazilian housekeeper. She wanted to know if she was wrong for wanted to fire her just because she's 10 times better looking than she is(she didn't quite put it like that but obviously if she was more attractive there wouldn't be an issue). So for about five minutes, I listened to women call in saying "hell yeah. girl kick her to the curb." Not once did someone call in an say what I was thinking: Are you that insecure that you hate to see someone beautiful making money? If your man was sleeping with her, I doubt you firing her will stop that. The only thing that will stop is them sleeping in your bed." Come on ladies, lets be more secure in our own "wonderfulness" and stop hating on others because God ran out of the ugly genes when he came to them.